Thoughts on Healing II (2018)

There is endless magic in Mother Earth. The kind of magic that helps us heal. We have forgotten what it means to walk barefoot through the mud in the rainy season, to feel the warm earth resonating through our bodies and aligning us with our own divinity. We have forgotten what it means to pick a soft fruit from a sun and storm soaked tree, and to let it nourish us until we are whole again.
Recently I have been dealt some interesting situations in which I had to re-learn, yet again, how to stand up for myself and how to be honest about my struggles. I have had to face the fact that in order to fully regain my strength in this life, I must always give myself what I need. And if that is space, then so be it. If that is time with the earth, she waits for me. If it means to scream and cry with so much grief and rage that hell might hear me-- I must remember that is exactly what I need.
Don't be afraid to feed your own soul. Despite all the circumstances. Only you know what you need. Love is the sister of pain, and she waits for you.